With over 1 billion worldwide searches a day, Google still tries to make our lives in front of the computer screen to be fun by introducing a set of “Easter eggs” that put smiles on our faces. Two amazing Easter eggs can be found by performing the following searches (in order to have the best user experience at this quirkiness, we recommend to use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari browser):
- Search for “Do a barrel roll” and you will end up seeing a Google search results page flipping 360 degrees. What an amazing surprise, and it is technically accomplished using CSS3.
- Type the keyword “Askew” in your search bar and you will see a distorted SERP (search engine results page) on your screen.
In addition to the “Easter eggs”, we’ve found three amazingly great Google search projects:
- The first project is called “Sphere,” and it was created by the Spanish developer Mr.Doob. If you go to http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_sphereand try performing a search, pictures will start travelling around your screen, and you will be able to control their movement using your mouse.
- The second project by Mr.Doob is called “Gravity.” Go to http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravityand perform a random search. Your Google search results will start falling out from the sky and crash on your browser floor. You will then be able to toss them and bounce around.
- Finally, to end this blog post on an “arcade game” moment, check out the permanent page for Pac-Man at http://www.google.com/pacman. Originally it was a Google Doodle, but it became so popular that folks at Mountain View decided to give it a separate page, so that Google fans can enjoy playing it any time.
Can you think of any other “fun” Google searches? Please share your finds in the comments area below.
John Miller
John oftentimes takes the lead as the Agile Project Manager and SEO expert, which allows him to be hands-on with the latest trends.