The idea behind web hosting is that your website is composed of files. The files need a storage space to be stored, and where people can access them online. Therefore, the type of web hosting you choose depends on the complexity of your website, resources and expertise at your disposal, as well as the size of your site. To pinpoint the best web hosting option for you, start by keeping the following in mind.
The specification and technical options
The first thing you need to take care of is the bandwidth and disk space. This depends on your particular site. For instance, if your website will feature a lot of graphics and files, and you expect it to get a lot of traffic, you’ll need a fairly large disk space and bandwidth. It is recommended that you go for unlimited plans to avoid interruptions in the future. On the other hand, if your site doesn’t require a lot of space for files and you don’t expect to get a lot of traffic at a time, you can do with limited disk space and bandwidth. Other things to consider are: the operating systems being supported, the security (like firewalls, authentications, and back-up), and availability rates.
Our recommended hosting for WordPress sites
If you are building a WordPress site, WpEngine web hosting has proven to be a great option for WordPress, as it provides a good security, excellent backup functionality as well as good technical support. And you are welcome to use the promo below to get 2 months free:
Different web hosting providers offer their services at different prices. So, the pricing of your web host plan is one thing you need to consider. However, do not let pricing be your only priority. As mentioned above, the best web host is the one that caters for your needs.
Once you are satisfied that your needs will be catered for, that is when you can start comparing prices and the value you are getting from the web host.
Customer service & technical support
This is very critical as you are going to need it more often than you think. Even if you are a whiz at setting up websites and managing them, you’ll need to have assurance that help will be offered whenever you need it.
Web hosting rating
How a particular web hosting company is rated in the market is also important. Remember you are in business and you don’t want to be an experiment for others. You can read customer reviews of various web host providers and make your decision on that. This may save you a few hair strands on your head, and a few moments of madness. The reason why you need to take precaution is because most web hosting providers exaggerate their web hosting plans.
Extras include things like ecommerce hosting solutions, blog, contact forms, analytics, the number of domains and email accounts allowed, extra charges, and many others. Also, look for a provider that offers easy and dynamic content management system. The more extra you can get the better.
The need to be careful with the type of web hosting you choose cannot be over emphasized enough. The type of web hosting provider you chose is going to determine the success of your online venture. Forget about the exaggerated claims that there are countless web hosting options available online. That is just meant to make you feel that you are getting a bargain for your cash.
In reality, there are only few web hosting options available. They include; dedicated web hosting, shared web hosting, shared web hosting with free servers, and virtual private web hosting server.
Please share your thoughts in the comments area below. Are you happy with your current web hosting company? What pitfalls have you encountered on your way to choosing the right server?
John Miller
John oftentimes takes the lead as the Agile Project Manager and SEO expert, which allows him to be hands-on with the latest trends.